Financial compliance training is the correct solution to number of legal issues being faced by companies lately. The e-learning module is designed to fit an organisation’s needs and includes the company to take care of the financial aspects of the company.

Why does an employee need the induction?

What do we use?

We use a blended learning technique for the new hires to get them started off. Our blended learning regime involves instructional and e-learning techniques to amalgamate videos, instructional handouts, short learning modules, PPTs, etc. to deliver useful modules to the learners. We believe that e-modules solely cannot deliver effective learning for financial compliance training given the present short span of attention among employees and the high-speed yet durable learning needs.

For whom is the financial compliance training helpful?

The financial compliance learning solutions are helpful to:

  • Administrators, to maintain all the sales records of the company.
  • Invoice, to have all records of details/invoices of clients.
  • Pay days, of employees with their sales target and incentives.
  • Tax return, with details of company’s turnover and tax details.

Why should you opt for this service at ELK India?

Our financial compliance training programme provides practical, interactive, and cost-effective courses to assist the process of altering employee behaviour to support the culture of a given workplace. We employ blended learning, i.e., use of both instructional and book learning techniques to optimise for risk and compliance training to accompany with full audit trail.

The financial compliance learning is fully customised and tailored to support the business at a broader level. The financial compliance learning course is worth it all to motivate the employees and act accordingly. The right content and the right learning process will mitigate the risk of financial breaches.

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